A Day In The Life…Hello From Las Vegas!

Hi All,

Sorry I have been a little MIA this past week. I am currently enjoying 9 days in Las Vegas! My hubby had to go to Vegas for a work convention and I just HAD to be the tag along wife. We have been here since Saturday night and I have been having a ball :) I could do with out the extreme dry heat however. Its been around 105 degrees everyday and when the wind blows it feels like someone is blasting you with a hot blow dryer. If you venture into the sun in the middle of the afternoon you can feel the sun baking your bare skin. Atleast it is a dry heat though. I am not drenched in sweat with my clothes sticking to my body like at home with the humidity!

Today I thought I would check in to blog land and share a few pictures from my adventure!

This is a shot of  taken at night from the  foot bridge on the south side of the strip. The view is just gorgeous. Even at night though it feels like you are walking around in an oven!

Vegas Strip at night

This was taken outside of our hotel in the morning. The first two nights we stayed in the Tropicana. It was very nice, the rooms were clean BUT we could not sleep a wink all night! They put us in the “Club” tower. I now know why they call it that. All night long we were hearing and feeling the beat to the music coming from the pool club downstairs. It went on all day Sunday too but thank goodness it closed down at 8pm. Note to self….don’t stay in the Tropicana’s Club Tower if you want to get any shut eye!vegas strip

Monday morning we moved to the Las Vegas Hilton near the convention center since hubby had to work the show. This place is huge and expensive! For a penny pincher like me, its been a challenge. There is no self service laundry room. They want to do your laundry for you. It cost $2 just to dry clean and press a pair of underwear! A cup of coffee is $2-$4 depending on where you go. A bagel is $4. Icecream sundae $6. Two grilled cheese sandwiches and one drink was around $24. The internet is $13.99 a day! (Luckily we are here with one of DH’s coworker who can get it for free) Atleast it is quiet though!

las vegas hilton

We’ve been spending most of our free time wandering around and taking in all of the sights. There are so many shops  to explore and window shop, from high end boutiques selling tasteful treasures by Jimmy Choo to tacky discount stores where you can buy fuzzy dice and a T-shirt for $5! Can you guess where I HAVE BEEN SHOPPING? Hmmm.

These glasses are TOTALLY HIM. Don’t ya think? :)funny glasses

Las Vegas is also a gold mine for those who love to people watch. Check out this “Vegas Showgirl”!

vegas showgirl

vegas show girl

Yes that is a MAN! We don’t see things like this everyday back home in the sleepy town of Swansboro! I think he was worth the time to snap a picture! We have also seen Elvis and Michael Jackson standing on the corner waiting to take pictures for money. Who said they were dead? I saw them with own eyes here in Vegas!

vegas hot babes truck

And yes there is plenty of sex here in Vegas too. Everywhere you walk there are men and women handing out Hooker cards. They are cards with the picture of a half naked woman with her name, phone number and her rates. Can you imagine? They even have bill board trucks cruising up and down the strip!

tournament of kings

Aside from all the alcohol, gambling, casinos and slot machines that seem to be available every second of the day. There are so many shows to see here in Vegas too. Monday night we saw Tournament of Kings at the Excalibur hotel. I LOVE horses so this show was right up my alley. You sit in a big arena. They feed you a dinner of chicken, biscuits, soup and potatoes (that you eat with your fingers!) while you watch knights riding around trying to defeat the Dragon Knight. It was alot of fun but quite honestly I like the show Midieval Times better. We saw that in Florida on our honeymoon back in ’94 and last November in Myrtle Beach. Their show is longer and the food is better.

Comedian Dat Phan

Last night we went to the Improv Comedy show at the Harrah’s hotel and casino. We saw comedian DAT PHAN and two other funny characters. Dat Phan was the original winner of Last Comic Standing. I have seen him on Comedy Central. He was hysterical! I laughed so hard my stomach hurt!

Well that’s all  for today. We will be here in Vegas for a three more days. Its been alot of fun but I miss my kiddies and have been chomping at the bit to start creating and designing again!

Thanks so much for visiting today!

Photo Source: BestofLasVegas.com

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