Hi All,
A few weeks ago I mentioned that I was invited to move my business into a new retail space and become a part of The Funky Chicken in Emerald Isle, NC.
What’s The Funky Chicken??? No, it’s not a place that sells great fried chicken. It’s an adorable little shop that offers an eclectic mix of new, vintage and redesigned decor, gifts and more.
I have been all moved in for about a month and a half now and thought I would share a couple of pictures with you today. We still have quite a bit of space to fill in the store and I am loving every minute of the hustle and bustle of creating new merchandise before the beach season officially starts on Memorial Day weekend.
I have really missed having a retail space and it is so nice to have an area to work in that does not include messing up my kitchen or dining room with all my project “stuff”.
Here is a couple of photos I took right after we reopened the Funky Chicken on March 16th. It’s looks a little different now but you can get an idea of what our shop looks like.
Being that we are at the beach, we have a lot of beach inspired items. I love the wallpaper mural on the wall.
Shabby ‘n Chic gifts and decor….ooh-la-la!
Here’s is our little Country Vintage Farmhouse vignette. It’s so sweet.
We even have a small baby nook! It is a little bit empty in this photo but I am working on it.
This big metal Funky Chicken is our “Mascot” for the shop. He sits out in the hallway welcoming everyone!
We still have a couple of weeks before beach season starts so am working on adding more and more to the showroom floor. I am really loving being back in the retail world. I have missed it so. Having my website and blog is great but it does not give you the same satisfaction of meeting your customers face to face. Having the store has also let me start working on larger furniture pieces again like this Beachy coffee table I just finished. Please feel free to checkout our new website www.TheFunkyChickenShop.com for more info on the store.
*****Update: Due to unfortunate cirmumstances I have decided to leave the Funky Chicken Shop. As of 8/8/13 I am no longer there. Please continue to shop with me online, right here on my website!
Master Bedroom Update:
We have been working on our master bedroom for a few weeks now and it is progressing nicely. I am happy to say that the new floors are done in the master bedroom. They are just gorgeous!
After about two weeks of sanding, spackling, hammering and painting, the board and batten wainscoting is finished! I don’t have a photo to share with you just yet but this is what it looked like mid-project. It was a lot of work, more than I anticipated, but it turned out wonderfully! I can’t wait to show you the finished, “after” photos!
More pictures of our master bedroom makeover coming soon!
Well, that’s all for today.
Have A Great Day!
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