Creative Ways To Display A Vintage Apron Collection

posted in: A Vintage Home, Cottage Decorating | 15

Kitchens are the heart of the home and for those of us who love vintage style decorating, we tend to have quite a few collections of vintage kitchen items to display. Today I wanted to talk about vintage kitchen aprons. I love to collect vintage aprons and even make them. Today I would like to talk to you about how to display a vintage apron collection and incorporate them into your kitchen decor.

Handmade Aqua Blue Gift Apron

My first sewing project happened to be an apron I created in my seventh grade Home Economics Class. I still have it.

handmade apron

A few weeks ago I treated myself to a shopping trip and while scouring a few local consignment shops I came across three handmade half aprons in aqua blue, yellow and red gingham. Ding Ding Ding! …those are MY colors and they would look great in my kitchen. I picked them up for only a couple of bucks a piece and brought them home. I wanted to create a way to display my aprons so I could admire them whenever I walk into the room but wasn’t quite sure what to do with them. I turned to the internet and blog land to see what other gals had come up with. I found quite a few clever and pretty ways to display a vintage apron collection…..

Junk Market Style member TheGoodOlDaysHouse created a curtain valance out of a couple of vintage aprons. Too cute!

Vintage Apron Window Valance

Over at Musings from Kim K. I found this neat idea of hanging a bunch of aprons on a wall with ribbon and clothes pins creating a clothesline look.

A couple of years ago I helped out a friend with decorating for a Kitchen Bridal Shower. We hung aprons off the back of chairs for a fun look. This is a great idea for a party but not practical for every day living in my house.

kitchen bridal shower table setting

I love how they displayed this vintage tablecloth apron from a vintage hanger over at Q is for QuilterJust hang it with a couple of vintage clothespins and display on a wall. A quick and easy display and a great look to boot!

Vintage Apron

This one is one of my favorites. I LOVE this vignette by Sweet Eye Candy Creations. Her blog is just gorgeous by the way. Sweet Eye Candy is the perfect name for Jennifer’s blog.

So after a couple of days of gathering my inspiration, this is what I came up with…..

How To Display A Vintage Apron Collection

I hung simple jute string with eye hooks anchored into my window casings in my breakfast room. I hung aprons from the line with hand painted clothespins, creating a fun window treatment. Hmmmm, I like it but not sure I am lovin’ it. My husband came home from work and asked me “What’s up with the aprons in the windows?” Maybe he thought I was doing laundry or something.

How To Display A Vintage Apron Collection

I think the jute string was bugging me, even with the cute polka dotted clothespins. It just wasn’t working for me.

Polka Dotted Clothespin

After a few days of living with my apron/clothesline window treatment I decided to try something else.

I had a piece of shabby, chippy salvaged molding sitting in the garage, just waiting for me to find a use for it. I attached five ceramic drawer pulls to the board and attached it to the wall, hanging an apron from each knob. Of course I had to dress up the knobs a bit with some fun red polka dots!

How To Display A Vintage Apron Collection

So, here’s my dilemma. I love this look but kinda like the window treatment (with a more substantial clothesline perhaps) too. What do you think? How would you display a vintage apron collection? I am taking suggestions blog friends!

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15 Responses

  1. Terry

    I can’t believe no one’s commented on this post yet. I came searching for ideas how to display vintage aprons, as I’ve developed a fondness for the history and hominess behind them. I thought my plain white dining room wall would be the perfect spot for them, so I temporarily hung one covering the picture I currently have on the wall and have lived with it for a couple weeks to see if it works, but I gotta say, I’m not loving it. It’s competing too much with the French Country tablecloth.

    I am, however, loving your display with the molding and cute knobs. Tying the straps into the cute bows adds just the perfect touch. Might just go that route with mine. As for your idea of using them as window treatments, I think I’m liking the idea of it more than the reality of it. You’re right, there’s something that’s just not right. Maybe so many different colors, in addition to the looseness. It’s funny, though, all those different colors does work when you hung them on the knobs.

    • Lisa Hogan

      Thanks so much for your lovely comment. I really do love the aprons on the little rack I created from knobs and old molding. I love aprons and love being able to see them when I walk into the kitchen! :) Send me a picture when you create your display. I would love to see it!

  2. Terry

    I think I goofed. Today at Home Goods, I spotted a red hanging cabinet similar to this (, but I left it behind, because I was so keen on your cute knob idea. Now, I’m second guessing myself, and you know it won’t still be there tomorrow…haha. Oh well, if it was meant to be, it will be. I’ll definitely send you a picture of whatever the final outcome is. Thanks for the reply.

    • Lisa Hogan

      Oh I love Home Goods but yes you are right. You gotta grab it when you see it or it may be gone. That has happened to me many times, usually in thrift shops. I almost had a fight with someone over a really cool vintage bread box I found. If I put it down for one second it would have been snatched right up!

  3. Lana Baker

    Aprons on the top , of the windows and t-towels on the bottom would be cute. Lana


    I have strung my collection vintage chicken scratch gingham aprons in the past as curtain toppers and it was beautiful. Since we have remodeled the kitchen/dining room with country shutters I think I will use a red clothes line rope and put up 4 different rows so I can display them on one wall in the D.R. I will post pic when I’m finished. With all the different colors of gingham, it makes for a beautiful accent wall. i am going to mix up an old starch my Mother use to use when i was little to starch aprons. The dry cleaners were going to charge me $5.00 each to starch and aron. So, i will do it myself and remember how my sweet Mother use to take such great pains to iron her aprons.

  5. Shirley Moody

    Well, Lisa, you know how attached I am to vintage aprons! Still enjoying your creative designs!

  6. Sarah Morale

    Linda H., Have you completed your apron hanging project? I would also love to see a photo of it! I have lots of aprons I would love to display, but am also finding my ideas seem better than they actually look when carried out. Perhaps the front of a long low open cabinate could be covered with aprons attached to a tension rod….

  7. Ginger Richter

    I just had to share this post with my mom… She is now a full year into her handmade vintage apron making business “Dance in the Kitchen” and needed some display ideas….. Love that the apron is making such a comeback!

  8. Sara Street

    Good morning! Love all these ideas for aprons, and am thinking of how to showcase mine. Just wanted to share that several years ago, I used vintage pillowcases for curtains in my bedroom. What I didn’t realize is that the sun was fading them! Just a thought…

    • Lisa

      Hi Sara,
      Very good point! I would keep away from full sun exposure. To be safe I moved mine a while back. They are now on hooks in my kitchen. I do have a valance made of vintage hankies in my workroom that I am keeping an eye on. I will have to move them as well after awhile.

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