Organizing A Kitchen…A Quick and Easy Drawer Update

I don’t know about you, but keeping my home clean and well, organized is a challenge that sometimes feels like a losing battle. With two kids, a husband, two dogs, and rabbit in the house my  To Do list is always full. Some chores fall to the wayside as I scramble around trying to get everything done.  Way down near the bottom of my To Do list lies the wonderful task cleaning out my closets, purging and organizing my kitchen drawers and cabinets.

When I opened my kitchen drawers I had the thrill of seeing this……

Yuck. An unorganized mess in a tired old drawer. I mean who really sees this right? Guests don’t exactly wander around my home looking in my drawers, rumaging through my closets or peeking under the bed…..right? Well, atleast I hope they don’t! The truth is that I see it,  the constant reminder of everything I need to take care of. Every time I open a kitchen drawer or open a closet door there it is, Mr. Clutter, beckoning to me, haunting me, bugging me!

A few months ago I found this really cute shelf paper at Marshall’s, two rolls for only $5.99. I bought 4 rolls.

If you have been following my blog for awhile you already I know that my kitchen’s color scheme is red and aqua. I love this color combination. This shelf paper was a “must have”.

I removed all the clutter from the drawers, laid the new paper, reorganized and purged. My silverware drawer got a brand spanking new red organizer tray. It’s clean, crisp and I don’t shutter everytime I go to get a spoon.


Now let’s see how long I can keep it looking this way! Organizing our home can be a daunting task, especially when you consider how busy our lives are these days. The days of June Cleaver and Lucy Ricardo are long gone. Women today where many hats. We juggle careers,  family and home life and still manage to keep it all together. (Well most of the time. I have been known to have the occasional melt down from time that I am sure makes my husband look for the closest exit)

Sometimes just a quick fix like adding clean new liner paper to your kitchen drawers can feel like a breath of fresh air!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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