Decorating A Thanksgiving Mantle and Giving Thanks

Hi All,

With Thanksgiving upon us I wanted to stop in today and  express my thoughts on the subject of Giving Thanks. I am a firm believer that we should stop and take a few moments each day and count our blessings, especially on days when the skies overhead seem grey.

My life is far from perfect but I have alot to be thankful for and I am thankful for that in itself. I am so thankful for my family, immediate and extended.

In a time where marriage seems to be strained all around us, I am thankful to be married to a man who has loved me for the past 17+ years. He takes me with the good and the bad, supports my dreams and is my biggest fan. He does so much for me and I am so thankful for him and his love.

My family

I have two beautiful children who can drive me crazy but also amaze me. My son, “a rotten teenager” as I jokingly call him has a brilliant mind and has the potential for greatness. My 10 year old daughter is very creative and has a wonderful energy about her. She always makes us laugh and can light up a room.

We have a cute little house to live in, we have food on the table and we are all together.
I am now working as an interior decorator, a long time dream come true.

I am truly blessed.

We are traveling to visit family in NY this Thanksgiving so I have not done much decorating this year. I did spruce up my mantle for the Holiday and would like to share it with you today.

Thanksgiving Mantel

I dressed the mantle in some of my everyday decor items and kicked it up a notch.

Thanksgiving Mantle

I added a few white turkeys, a white ceramic pilgrim lady and tucked in some colorful fall leaves, berries and pine cones.

Thanksgiving Mantle

I filled a cottage white pitcher with some dried wheat grass to add some height and added interest.

Thanksgiving Decor

Thanks so much for visiting today. I hope each and everyone of you have a blessed, safe Thanksgiving filled with good food and time with family.

Thanks so much for visiting today!

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  1. Marsha

    Lots of great ideas, Lisa love the teacup wreath. Thanks for sharing.

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