Fabulous Flea Market Flamingo Chair

posted in: Before and After, Cottage Decorating | 5
It’s time again for another Flea Market Find Transformation! I bought this chair for $15 at my favorite thrift shop. I loved the shape and was able to look past its tired cushion and walnut stain.
I painted it a cottage green with a drybrush technique and added and hand apinted flamingo. The cushion was re~covered with a cute as can be Flamingo inspired fabric.
I love how this turned out and it now sits in a client’s beach house.
Thanks for stopping by!

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5 Responses

  1. Annie Louise

    Great job–I am really impressed with your painted flamingo. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Jen T

    You are very talented! I wouldn't have thought of that! The way the flamingo sits in the back piece is perfect & shows off the shape. Great work!

  3. Thoughtfully blended hearts

    The perfect design for a beach house…great job!!!

  4. Ms Bingles Vintage Christmas

    Oh, the chair is so cute and the lampshade in your header is wonderful!

  5. Angels Watching Over Me

    Where is your MMP found it bag? I've spent several hours looking for it and can't seem to find it.

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