A Shabby to Chic Chair Makeover

I found this sad looking chair at a local thrift shop for only a couple of bucks. I loved the shape of it and thought it had great potential. I painted a soft shade of blue, distressed it with sandpaper and covered the seat in a blue floral fabric I just adore! With a little creativity and elbow grease it was transformed into a lovely piece!

Hop On Over to Transformation Thursday on theshabbychiccottage.net for a peek at some other great projects!

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7 Responses

  1. Debbie

    Actually I like it both ways, but you did a fabulous job of making it shabby chic style opposed to traditional:)

  2. Enchanted Rose Studio

    Great find and transformation! I love the blue! You took it from so-so to shabbilicious! Love it!


  3. Tracey

    beautifuly transformed your hard work paid off
    have a great weekend
    love tracey

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