I FOUND IT! Flea Market Style Magazine!

posted in: Cottage Decorating | 4
I finally found a copy of the new Flea Market Style Magazine!
I have been looking high and low for a copy since it came out a few months ago but to no avail. I’ve been checking Walmart and all the major book stores in the areas. I had just about given up on finding it in my little neck of the woods. This afternoon I went to my local Piggly Wiggly to pick up milk and a few other things. As I got to the checkout I looked up and LOW and BEHOLD! Right in front of me on the news stand was a bright, shiny and new FLEA MARKET STYLE MAGAZINE!!! Being very over tired from lack of sleep I wanted to rub my eyes in case it was a mirage. But I didn’t! I grabbed up a copy and threw it in the shopping cart, not even contemplating the fact the price was $9.99. I usually don’t spend that much on a magazine but this one a just HAD TO HAVE!
I haven’t had a chance to relax and read my magazine yet but here is a sneak peek at what awaits me!
I’ll let you know what I think when I get to devour its pages!
Have a Great Day!

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4 Responses

  1. The Working Home Keeper

    I just saw this magazine at Home Depot this afternoon! Looks great!

    Mary Ellen


    Hi Lisa,
    They are all around here..too bad that I didn't know you have been looking for one….glad you found it and enjoy it!! Lots of great ideas.
    Deb :)

  3. Debby

    ISn't the magazine awesome. I didn't like the price much, I think it was 12.00 or 13.00 in Canada. But it was so worth it, full to the brim with beauty and I loved the idea of every other page not being advertising.

  4. Crystal Rose Cottage

    Yes, the magazine is great! I picked my copy while on vacation in Savannah at a Target for $5.99! Apparently, they must discount their magazines at Target. Have a great day!~Patti

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