Well, I’ve got a new toy…
I’ve been wanting a paint spray gun for quite awhile and I’ve been on the fence about which one to buy. After reading many reviews of some of them clogging up I was afraid I was going to be wasting my hard earned money. You may remember the table I just bought and redesigned for my kitchen and how I was debating on what color to paint the chairs???

I was not looking forward to painting all of the chairs with a brush and figured if I was going to get a Spray Gun this would be as good as time as any. After speaking to the Lowe’s Paint Department employee for awhile I decided on the Spray Station 2900. It was on sale for $99. And guess what…..
I was able to knock out this bench and chairs in less than an hour.
Needless to say my hubby was not impressed with the Aqua Blue Grass! Next time I will lay larger pieces of cardboard down.
I was able to have my chairs painted, distressed and back in my kitchen within a few hours. BTW….I decided on painting the chairs Aqua over the Red and am so happy with my decision. I just love how it turned out!
Thanks for stopping by today!!!
Linking to:
does look nice i like it
French Charmed ~ Chelle
Bonjour and Merci!
I appreciate the follow. Thanks so much for stopping by! Oh … I just love your color choice. Aqua is so fresh! What a great addition.
Hope you have lots of fun with your new toy! Cheers ~ Chelle
Amy @MaisonDecor
Thanks for telling us all about your sprayer. I want to get one too. Maybe you could do a post on exactly what you do with the sprayer and how it works. I think your set looks great painted! That is my new favorite color so it looks even better. Following you now too!
Julie (Legacy Crafter)
nice color and great look
I love your redo!! and…I am so excited…I just realized that you are just up the street from me! I live in Morehead/Newport. I am comming to your store very soon!
This was and is such a sweet surprise. Keep up the good work with your spray gun..it looks as though you made a great purchase!
marty (A Stroll Thru Life)
Love your chairs and bench, such a pretty color. So glad you are happy with your sprayer. Great job. Hugs, Marty
Ms Bingles Vintage Christmas
Wow! Oh, I love it!
The chairs really came out nice!
Thank you for sharing!
I love turquoise! Our grass gets a little dose of spray paint sometimes, tee-hee.
Kathy@ Gone North
Very, Very Nice!!! Good choice on the color, the aqua over red looks gorgeous & thanks for the tips on the sprayer, I am about to buy one.
Holly @ Roller Coaster Life
Only one word comes to mind. FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks great!! The grass looks great too! My hubz wasn't crazy about our white grass for awhile but thankfully he just cut it and its gone =)
wow, love it…I will put that baby on my Christmas list!!!
Alana in Canada
Fabulous! I'm painting my chairs aqua, too. But the old fashioned way: with a brush. I started a week ago. I'm not done. Good for you!
I was hoping you had listed what color and brand of aqua paint that you used on your chairs ???
Lisa Hogan
HI Tricia,
That was so long ago I am not sure what the name of the aqua blue color was. I do buy most of my paint at Lowes.